Through our commitment to mission outreach we are dedicated to providing support to local, national and global relief efforts.
- Purple Bag Project is a monthly food collection for The Daily Bread Food Pantry
- Adopt a Family Christmas Support
- School supply backpacks for school age children through Salvation Army
- Black Kettle bell ringing for Salvation Army during Christmas season
- Various personal needs drives for Salvation Army and Food Pantry
- Souper Bowl of Caring
- Massachusetts Conference of the UCC
- Worcester Fellowship
- Boston Area Mission Society
- Worcester Area Mission Society
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Milford Community Supper
- Worcester County Food Bank
- Andover Newton Theological Seminary
- Bangor Theological Seminary
Inner City Outreach Programs
- Meals and personal need items on the Boston Common
- Meal program in Dorchester
- Meal, personal needs and worship on Worcester Common, Worcester Fellowship
- Worcester Area Missionary Society
- Heifer Project
- Adopt a Child; Save the Children
- Adopt a Platoon
- Supplies for mission trips