
Wherever you are on your faith journey, we offer you peace and friendship and invite you to discover all the possibilities that await you at First Congregational Church

Your First Visit

  • Worship style – a joyful celebration, engaging people of all ages to relate the scripture to daily life.
  • What to wear – Be comfortable, you’ll see everything from jeans to suit coats but it seems business casual is most popular here.

Parking – There are spaces in the church parking lot, also Bright Insurance parking is permitted and street parking on Church Street and Congress Street.

Accessibility We are wheel chair accessible

Worship Hours – Sundays – 10:30- 11:30 am

Children Welcomed – We invite children to attend Sunday School or stay with family during the worship service. As you enter the sanctuary there is a rocking chair to your left. We also offer a staffed nursery for age’s birth through 4. Parents are welcome to stay with their child in the nursery as well. A children’s message is offered during worship just prior to their departure to Sunday School.

Social Time – Join us for refreshments in Fellowship Hall following worship.  This is a great time to meet Pastor Greta and chat with others in a friendly, casual atmosphere.

Special Ceremonies  Wherever you are on your faith journey we welcome and celebrate with you.

  • Weddings
  • Baptisms and Christenings
  • Memorials and Funerals


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